Minesweeper Guide

So, wondering how to get good at Minesweeper, huh? Is Bebe being too frustrating? Well, I'll help you out, as this is one of my favourite games on PUGS!

So, this is what you'll first see when you start up the game. This is on a Catastrophic board, but that doesn't mean much besides the amount of mines, which isn't too much of an issue if you know what you're doing.

What I like to do first is click all of the corners, as this usually helps open up a good chunk of open spaces. Don't worry if this gives you a mine, though! You can easily restart. (And don't worry if it happens a lot, I had 5 fails in a row one time doing this)
Those little paws symbolize where you should click, they're not actually part of the game!

Wow, see how much that opened up? There's a bunch of numbers now, but don't worry! This is a number puzzle game, so you just need to understand how to use each number to win. Let's look focus on the right side for now!

Sheesh, that's a lot of 1's. Not to worry! With Minesweeper, each number represents how many mines are touching it.